Teresa Kok, enough with the tai chi talk


The Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) today charted a clear course towards public accountability, leaving DAP MP YB Teresa Kok behind 'lost' in a sea of red herrings and personal attacks.

Instead of addressing MCA's valid criticisms about MyJPJ and airfares constructively, YB Kok's resort to personal attacks reveals her level of maturity, and as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's famous quote best describes it, “If they attack you personally, they have not a single political argument left”.

The MCA reiterates that its feedback on Transport Ministry policies have been solely grounded in legitimate concerns affecting the Malaysian public. The MyJPJ’s security vulnerabilities would compromise sensitive personal information, putting millions at risk; while exorbitant prices of air travel could adversely impact cost of living and tourism in East Malaysia.

Highlighting these critical issues is not a sign of being “lost”, but rather a testament to MCA’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of all Malaysians.

If YB Kok equates public advocacy with being 'lost', then perhaps she and her party have truly strayed from their own core values of transparency and accountability. Is DAP so threatened by constructive criticism that it resorts to baseless attacks and dismisses genuine concerns as mere political disorientation?

The MCA urges YB Kok and DAP to refocus their energies on addressing the cascade of crises plaguing the nation. DAP's claim to responsible leadership would be better served by addressing these issues constructively. Instead of empty rhetorics, let them demonstrate these professed values by tackling critical matters like data security and airfare affordability. Meanwhile, the MCA remains dedicated to working constructively with all parties, but will not hesitate to speak up for the people when warranted.

We are confident that Malaysians are able to see through these barefaced attempts at distraction and hold their elected representatives accountable for their actions and inactions. While some may choose to be 'lost' in the maze of political expediency, the MCA will continue to shine a light on issues that matter to the public.

