The influx of Hong Kong-style housing projects is choking KL's traffic arteries

Kuala Lumpur's traffic nightmare is worsening, leaving commuters frazzled and frustrated.

Blame it on the surge of high-rise developments mimicking Hong Kong's urban landscape.

These projects pack hordes of residents into already overcrowded areas with scant public amenities.

Result? Skyrocketing private vehicle usage, intensifying gridlock on highways and arterial roads in and around KL.

And as if that's not enough, these Hong Kong-inspired skyscraper communities conveniently ignore the need for efficient public transport.

With LRT or MRT stations miles away, residents are left with no choice but to clog the roads with their cars, making traffic congestion a daily ordeal.

To tackle this mess, local authorities and developers need to wake up and smell the exhaust fumes, collaborating on sustainable housing projects and decent public transit options.

It's about time we ease the stranglehold on KL's traffic and give its residents a breather – literally.
