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Showing posts from October, 2024

CIA Declassified: US Aid for Malaya Recommended

  GENERAL 1.       Australian attitude toward Pacific defense pact -- US Embassy Canberra has been informed by Australian Minister of External Affairs Spender that his government desires to do everything possible to promote a Pacific pact which would include military commitments. In Spender’s view, however, no Pacific nation or group of nations can be expected to embark on a course which without US backing might prove “futile and even disastrous.” Spender believes that discussions at the forthcoming Baguio Conference (called by the Philippine Government) will be futile, because of the lack of support by Asian countries themselves and the absence of support from the US. EUROPE 2. GERMANY: Reform of German interzonal trade set-up urged -- The Berlin branch of the US High Commission in Germany believes that “the time has come for the Bonn Government to clean house” and remedy the unsatisfactory situation regarding German interzonal trade. The Berlin bra...

CIA Declassified: Chinese Economic Activity in Southeast Asia

  NSC BRIEFING 17 March 1959 CHINESE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA I. Peiping began an economic drive in 1954 in Southeast Asia. Effects first really felt last year, but now, because of current pre-occupation with the "leap forward," moving ahead on its earlier momentum. Presents long-range threat of major implications for the position of the West in Southeast Asia. A. Chinese activity is dual-motivated: to make its growing power felt in Southeast Asia through economic relations, and to generate sterling, enabling China to finance West European goods essential to its own developmental program. II. China has a capability for a major trade assault which could disrupt several Southeast Asian economies. A. Rice sales to Southeast Asia, now totaling less than .005 percent of Chinese production, easily could be expanded with drastic effect on the economies of Burma and Thailand. B. Chinese rubber purchases, nearly 10 percent of Southeast Asian production, are shift...

CIA Declassified: Possible Split in UMNO

  CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY: Malaya SUBJECT: Possible Split in United Malays' National Organization ORIGIN: [REDACTED] DATE: 25X1A6a INFO.: [REDACTED] DIST.: 16 December 1946 PAGES: [REDACTED] SUPPLEMENT: 25X1X6 The Kuala Lumpur MALAYA TRIBUNE stated 17 Johore organizations presented an ultimatum to Dato Onn to either resign from the presidency of the United Malays' National Organization or to resign from the position of Premier of Johore. The paper stated acceptance of the position of Premier of Johore is unconstitutional as appointment to this position can be legally made only by the Sultan, who is not present in Johore. The same newspaper reported 20 Malay associations in Malacca had joined the Malay Nationalist Party in protest to the results of the recent conferences between the Sultans, the UMNO, and the Malayan Union Government. The conferences are said to have resulted in securi...

CIA Declassified: Communist Prospects in Malaya and British Borneo

  24 May 1955 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE NUMBER 64-55 COMMUNIST PROSPECTS IN MALAYA AND BRITISH BORNEO Submitted by the DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and The Joint Staff. Concurred in by the INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 24 May 1955. Concurring were the Special Assistant, Intelligence, Department of State; the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of the Army; the Director of Naval Intelligence; the Director of Intelligence, USAF; the Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff. The Atomic Energy Commission Representative to the IAC and the Assistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the subject being outside their jurisdiction.   CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DISSEMINATION NOTICE 1. This ...

CIA Declassified: Informal Memorandum in Response to Questions on Indonesia

  INFORMAL MEMORANDUM IN RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS ON INDONESIA 11 April 1958 Contents A. Some Notes on the Relationship of Malaya and Sumatra - Page 1 B. Historical Associations - Page 2 C. Language - Page 4 D. Religion - Page 5 E. Attitudes toward Each Other - Page 6 F. Some Notes on the Minangkabau - Page 8   INFORMAL MEMORANDUM IN RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS ON INDONESIA A. Some Notes on the Relationship of Malaya and Sumatra A survey of the ethnic, religious, cultural, and even economic factors might suggest the possibility of a closer association between Sumatra and Malaya than would in fact appear likely on political and emotional grounds. The common characteristics of Malaya and Sumatran reflect in part the fact that the Straits of Malacca are only about 60 to 100 miles across; narrow enough to invite peoples to migrate and governments to seek control of both shores. A modern history of separate colonial experience has left th...